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Writer's pictureMaddie


We are coming into the Easter weekend and the beginning of April. I love this time of year, full of possibilities and potential. Take time out to rest, relax, laugh, eat, drink, be in Nature ..... whatever replenishes you.

Step off the cultural merry go round and consider if you need to 'clutter clear' aspects of your life, as well as your home; is 'stuff' holding you back from a deeper feeling of contentment than the fleeting shot in the arm of happiness when more 'stuff' is acquired. My personal Spring theme is returning, as much as possible, to SIMPLICITY .....

I got a very definite 'message' this week when my iPhone decided to go on security lockout. Impossible to open so I had to get a new iPhone and it's still not working probably, but let's not go there .......

Over the holiday weekend, I will be reading more than ever; I read my 'inspirational/work' books during the day but my evening treat is a novel, as someone once said, "a good book is a 'gateway' to another world" . At the moment it's THE SONG OF ARCHILLES, loved the author's other book CIRCE ....

One 'healthy' habit I'm cultivating this Spring is this one, prompted by my good friend Debra Hurt:

Nobody warns you when you are young about what happens to your skin as you advance through life: sunspots, little concentrated dry patches, itchiness and a general reluctance of the cells to shed and renew as frequently as they did in days gone by .....

..... as a Contented Crone, I'm just immensely grateful that everything is still in good working order!

However, after years travelling (i.e. sun) in East and North Africa, not to mention years living in Southern Spain, my skin now needs a wee bit of help if it's not going to end up looking (and feeling) like something a snake has shed!

So another 'healthy' habit I'm committing to (Oops better not go too mad with all these commitments!) is a regular 'gommage' - daily on my hands and forearms and whenever I remember on the rest of my body. Naturally following with my latest oil blend..... it's not just vanity, skin is healthier and then if you dry body brush as well .... you've got it all covered!

Do you need to let go of something in your life, or perhaps you are in the middle of letting go? Change and transition of any kind, can be a real potpourri of emotions, ranging from joyful release to a poignant sadness, and of course it can be an anxious or stressful time. Do this very simple technique a few times every day, remembering to breathe and smile, and you will be changing the energy around the transition, honouring those emotions, but also setting the intention and energy for a positive ‘ next chapter’ in your life. It costs nothing, it takes very little time and can make a huge difference. Here's a link to a very short video I posted on Instagram

Friendships are precious treasures in life to be nurtured with love… This old crone is one of my most treasured gifts 🩵🤍🩶

Two wonderful weeks this month were filled with amazing people, lots of laughter, love and even adventure! Making memories to treasure🩵🤍🩶

It was my very last EEM European class at Wotton House.

14 years ago the journey began to bring Donna Eden's energy medicine training to Europe and setting it up and running it has been one of the most rewarding chapters in my life, I take an almost maternal pride in watching as students blossom and grow personally and evolve into EEM practitioners and even teachers.

The EEM baby was born and is now a healthy toddler that I've handed over into the safe hands of one of my former students, Martina, who I know is going to take it onto the next level.... here's a short video of some of the fun we had ..... Yes, Lady Madison was well and truly spoilt by everyone .......... Hmmmm, could get used to be the centre of attention !!!

But I'm not retiring quite yet, in fact I doubt if I ever will!

I'll still be:

  • responsible for the EEM Level 4 Advanced training in the USA and Europe,

  • doing 'one-off classes' for The Eden Method,

  • finding time to continue writing my next book: THE HEDGEROW CHRONICLES,

  • starting up my own small online offerings: The next one will be in June, I think I'm going to call it THE EMPOWERED ECHO and will be about how to make your word your wand to create the personal reality that you seek,

  • mastering Instagram reels to give the 'Crone Zone' a voice!

... and of course, hosting the Zoom webinars for my friend Kim Dowdell (Vision for Living) .... we are in the middle of one at the moment, diving deep into the mysteries of the Chakra System. You can still join via this link - There's a lifetime replay available and you could even join Part 2 live on Tuesday 2nd April.

Dorte and Hanna, two EEM practitioners have united to create an exciting offering - click on the link below for all the details. Their HealLove method™ is a practice combining tapping with other energy modalities. This method is created to work specifically with love-related difficulties.

Finally, I was introduced recently to Susan Eirich, who has written an amazing book called WHISPERS FROM THE WILD. Dr Eirich has lived with rescued wild animals for more than 25 years and founded the Earthfire Institute as a sanctuary for rescued wildlife native to the Yellowstone to Yukon Wildlife Corridor. Through inspirational storytelling, she shares her experiences - it's a beautiful read, I'm half way through and will write a review when I've finished, but it's one of those books you want to take your time to savour. Check out the website for all their information, I think you will be impressed by what they have, and are, achieving.

Finally, let me end on a morning 'prayer' that was given to me decades ago, by a truly unique 'healer' friend of mine, who has now passed.

I wish I knew who originally wrote it.

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