Weight can be an issue in our lives: lose it, gain it, maintain it .... if weight weighs on your mind, especially after any festive excesses, then I've got good news for you!
The 2 day online WEIGHT CLASS I did with my friend Kim for Donna Eden (The Eden Method) has gone on a FLASH SALE, it's almost half price until 3rd January.
Interested? then simply click on this link for all the details.
I'm so excited Donna is offering the replay of this class (+ supported by full handouts) at this particular time of year ..... I'll definitely be revisiting to get me back on track after my Christmas 'cheese fest' !
To support your weight management efforts over the coming weeks, I'll post on Instagram ( Madisonking281 ) and on Facebook (Midlife Goddess) - how I get on and I'd also love to hear how YOU get on.... let's make this a group effort!
Here's the special link to the flash sale offer :
xxx Maddie
or - cut and paste .....