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Maddie's Book Review

Normally I will be reviewing non-fiction books relating to natural healthcare BUT I just can’t resist sharing this novel with you. It haunts me like no other book, and it whispers quietly in my mind when I read the news of technology, what we are doing to this planet yada, yada…. you know what I mean.

I’m going to be honest and the first time I tried to read it, I put it down, I wasn’t particularly impressed – but it obviously wasn’t the right ‘time’ for me to take it in. I then picked it up a few months later and stuck with it and boy was I glad I did – it runs from 1984 with a 15-year-old character called Holly and ends up 60 years later with Holly now an old lady. For me, it seriously comes into its own in the last few chapters and I was so grateful I had read it. It paints a picture of a past and present I recognise and a future that is so chillingly possible – a prediction? An ‘in your face’ reminder about planetary ethics? It’s subtle but profoundly powerful. It’s fun, it’s funky, there’s a hint of ‘fantasy’ (which I adore) and is utterly mad, lingering in your mind long after you put the book down. It makes one want to protect this wonderful planet of ours and be aware of the delicate, fragile balance our socio-economic and cultural order.

OK, I’m saying nothing else – except – it’s a powerful read and I promise you David Mitchell did not pay me any money to say this!

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